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Undergraduate Student Research Fellowships (USRF)

The Undergraduate Student Research Fellowship (USRF) is a student research award intended to support undergraduate students while performing research in their area of study as an experiential learning opportunity. The Student may be assisting directly with the Supervisor’s research, but the Student is expected to provide high-quality contributions to knowledge in their field. Tasks will include those necessary to learn sufficient research skills and accomplish tasks related to their program of study. The Supervisor will also serve as an academic mentor in collaboration with the Student to set goals and expectations required for project completion.


  • Full-time or part-time Ontario Tech undergraduate students
  • Domestic non-Ontario Tech undergraduate student

Students may receive of USRF funds even when primarily involved in coursework. Activities associated with fellowships must not interfere with degree requirement commitments and may need to be limited in any semester when the student is taking a full-time course load of 3 or more courses. The equivalent of 10 hours per week on top of a full-time course load may be appropriate for these semesters. Undergraduate students who have a fellowship to support their honors thesis may spend more time engaged in research while carrying a full-time course load. Students who are not taking a full-time course load in a semester, such as the spring/summer, may engage full-time in fellowship research activities. USRFs can be given for one or more semesters. 

Award Value:

The amount of the USRF will vary depending on the expectations placed on the Student and the funding available. In semesters when the Student has a heavy course load, the Student may have limited availability to concentrate on their USRF project and thus a smaller fellowship. Undergraduate students who are not taking a full-time course load in a semester, such as the spring/summer, may engage full-time in fellowship research activities. In alignment with the university's values of equity, diversity and inclusion, it is expected that the award value meets or exceeds minimum wage. 

Interested in pursuing a USRF at Ontario Tech? The first place to start is finding a Supervisor to support you. 

  1. Identify what areas of research focus interest you.
  2. Review your schedule and course requirements to see how much time you have to commit to research.
  3. Search the university's Expert Centre by area or by name. If you do not find a potential Supervisor, you can also search each Faculty's webpage.
  4. Reach out to the potential Supervisor via email to arrange a meeting to discuss your USRF goals.

Once you have been successfully matched with a Supervisor, the Faculty Administrator will work collaboratively with the student and the Supervisor to complete any required financial paperwork, contract, etc. The USRF is paid to Ontario Tech students via direct deposit. External students receive the USRF via a cheque.

For Students with Direct Deposit on File:

Task 1: Complete the Attached Paperwork
1. Open the attached USRF Letter and Paperwork sent to your Ontario Tech University email from your Faculty Administrator. 
2. Complete the paperwork. 
3. Sign and print your name, provide the date, provide your birth date and provide your student number.
4. Save the completed paperwork.

Task 2: Submit Your Completed Paperwork
1. Draft an email to your Faculty Administrator.
2. Attach the completed and signed USRF paperwork to the email.
3. Send the email by the required deadline.


For Students with No Direct Deposit on File:

Task 1: Complete the Attached Paperwork
1. Open the attached USRF Letter and Paperwork sent to your Ontario Tech University email from your Faculty Administrator. 
2. Complete the paperwork.
3. Sign and print your name, provide the date, provide your birth date and provide your student number.
4. Save the completed paperwork.

Task 2: Provide Direct Deposit Information
1. Go to MyOntarioTech.
2. Select the Current students box. 
3. In the Personal information box, select Direct deposit information.
4. For further details on how to complete this section, view the direct deposit set-up instructions.

Task 3: Submit Your Completed Paperwork
1. Draft an email to your Faculty Administrator.
2. Attach the completed and signed USRF paperwork to the email.
3. Send the email by the required deadline.
Note: The Faculty Administrator's contact information and the submission dates should be provided in the document or obtained from the appropriate sources within the university.