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Grant Development and Management

Conducting successful research requires adequate financial support. You can apply for funding to assist with:

  • Labour costs (e.g. students, PDFs, Research Associates, Project Managers, etc.)
  • Materials, supplies and equipment
  • Dissemination costs (e.g. open access journals, conferences)
  • Travel and subsistence
  • Knowledge translation and exchange
  • Grant proposal development 

We will assist you by:

  • Identifying and promoting current funding opportunities for faculty researchers.
  • Providing workshops and resources for grant development.
  • Seeking funding opportunities for specific research programs.
  • Supporting applicants throughout the grant application or contract process.
  • Administering successfully funded grants, awards and contracts.
  • Serving as a point of contact with agencies.
  • Providing additional materials including a sample proposal outline, letter of support and a summary of application evaluation.

Questions? Connect with our Grants Team.