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2024 Undergraduate Research Award Project Summaries

The following projects are available for the URA Summer 2024 Program. Visit the URA website for further information and frequently asked questions. The NSERC USRA program provides additional awards above and beyond our university's allocation specifically for students who self-identify as Black or Indigenous. CIHR and SSHRC USRAs are available exclusively to Black students.


Students may apply to any of the projects outside of their Faculty, provided they hold the skills and qualifications identified in the project description. It is recommended that students apply to two projects.

Project Summaries by Faculty

Faculty of Business and IT
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
Faculty of Health Sciences
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Social Science and Humanities 

CIHR & SSHRC Projects for self-identified Black students:
For 2024, SSHRC projects are available within the Faculty of Health SciencesFaculty of Engineering and Applied ScienceFaculty of Social Science and Humanities and the Faculty of Health Sciences. CIHR projects are available within the Faculty of Health Sciences.

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