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How Do I Submit a Post-Approval Event?

After your IRIS application is approved, you may need to submit post-approval events to keep the file up-to-date; for example, you may need to submit a renewal, change request or closure form for Research Ethics Board (REB) files.

To submit post-approval events in IRIS:

  1. From the IRIS home page, select the Applications: Post-Review link (found by expanding either the principal investigator or project team member sections, depending on your role as noted in the file).
  2. Click the Events button for the file you need to update. If you have many files in the system, you may need to use either the page controls at the bottom of the screen or the filter controls at the top of the screen to filter by file number or application type.
  3. Click the appropriate event form name to open the form.
  4. Complete the form, and then click the Submit button.

Be sure to save your file often! IRIS has a 30-minute activity time and typing is not a recognizable activity in the system. If you are composing a lengthy response to a question, the system may log you out without saving after 30 minutes of typing. We strongly recommend you save your file, type your response in a word processing program, and then copy and paste the text into the text box in IRIS.

To return to a previously saved post-approval event form:

  1. From the IRIS home page, select the Applications: Post-Review link (which can be found by expanding either the principal investigator or project team member sections, depending on your role as noted in the file).
  2. Select the Events button for the file. If you have many files in the system, you may need to use either the page controls at the bottom of the screen or the filter controls at the top of the screen to filter by file number or application type.
  3. Scroll down the screen, and then expand the Events: Drafts section.
  4. Select the Edit button to open the post-approval event.