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Benefits for You

  • Engagement in academic process
  • Access to students and potential future hires
  • Potential for innovative solutions

We can help maximize your research investment by helping you leverage funding from provincial and federal programs, and facilitate meaningful interactions. We can also connect you to individuals and research programs that can help support your business or organizational goals including: 

  • Research chairs: We continually look for ways to form strategic alliances between our Canada Research Chairs and industry leaders. These partnerships focus on fundamental and applied research that directly impacts our target market and helps transform innovative ideas into real-world solutions.
  • Technology and knowledge transfer and commercialization: Depending on your area of interest, we can provide unique opportunities for you to acquire proprietary technology from our intellectual property portfolio through licensing or the support of startup companies.
  • Professional development: Customized workshop and training opportunities can help meet the unique needs of your business or organization and help you improve your management, leadership and communication expertise in order to enhance your day-to-day operations.
  • Expertise sharing: Give back by sharing your expertise and industry knowledge to help ensure our academic programs remain current and relevant.