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How Do I Add Project Team Members?

It is important that you do not type in the project team member details in the form unless you have first searched for the project team member. This is especially important if you are adding yourself as an additional project team member after changing the PI on the file, as the system will not allow you save the file. If you have typed your information instead of searching for your profile (or not added yourself to the file at all), you will receive the following error:

Important: You do not have permissions to save this file because you are not listed in PI or project team member roles for this project. Please add your researcher profile to the file and retry the save action.

Many users become confused at this point because their name is visible as an additional project team member. However, because you typed your details instead of searching for and selecting your researcher profile, the system does not recognize that additional project team member as being you. To correct this, delete the typed record with your name, and then follow the steps below to search for and select your researcher profile.

To add additional project team members (co-investigators, collaborators, coordinators, student leads, post-doctoral leads, etc.):

  1. Click the Add New button on the Project Team Info tab (see Figure 1).
  2. Click the Search Profiles button (see Figure 2).
  3. Type in the last name of the team member, select the Search button, and then click the Select button to add the team member (see Figure 3).
  4. Select the appropriate Role in Project from the drop-down list, and then click the Save button (see Figure 4).
Figure 1: Add a Project Team Member

Screenshot of an open application. Top red circle highlights the “Project Team Info” tab and bottom circle highlights “Add New” button.

Figure 2: Search Profiles for Project Team Member

Screenshot of a section “Project Team Member Edit” window. Red circle highlights the “Search Profiles” button.

Figure 3: Search Profiles and Select a Project Team Member

Screenshot of “Investigator List” window. Sequence of steps to search profiles. First, type name of member. Second, click the “Search” button. Third, select team member to be added.

Figure 4: Select the Project Team Member Role in Project and Save

Screen shot of “Project Team Member Edit” window. First red circle highlights drowp down menu of “Role in Project”. Second red circle highlights “Save” button

Once you've added the project team member with the appropriate role, he or she will appear at the bottom of the Project Team Info tab (see Figure 5). You can edit the role in project for a project team member by using the Edit button, or delete a project team member using the Delete button.

Figure 5: Project Team Member List with Role in Project

Screenshot of “Other Project Member Info” showing the list of members with their role in projects.

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If an additional project team member does not have a researcher profile in IRIS, you can choose one of the following options:

  • Have the project team members register for an IRIS account, and then add their researcher profile as an additional project team members. This will enable them to collaborate with you immediately to build the application.
  • If it is not possible for the project team member to register for an IRIS account, then type their details into the form.

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