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Nuclear Hydrogen in Ontario

On May 1, 2024, Ontario Tech University, the IAEA Collaborating Centre on integrated energy systems with advanced nuclear power reactors, hosted this event to highlight Ontario’s potential leading near-term large-scale nuclear hydrogen production in light of the recently announced plans by the province to invest in new nuclear energy initiatives for large nuclear as well as SMRs, and the growing interest in large-scale clean hydrogen production.

Event Recording

This hybrid event was hosted at Shawenjigewining Hall and streamed to an international audience. The full recording is posted below.


  • Workshop Information

    Currently operating nuclear power plants play a stabilizing role in a synergetic operation with the variable renewables sources as a solution to face the worldwide increasing energy demand. This role is seen to expand to provide a sustainable pathway for clean and large-scale hydrogen production. Ontario has the potential to lead in large-scale nuclear hydrogen production with nuclear energy leads covering power needs in Ontario, accounting for ~60%, of followed by the two other low-carbon sources; hydro at around 24%, and wind at 7%. In addition, the consideration of advanced nuclear reactor designs and small modular reactors (SMRs) for baseload or load-following operations in Ontario bring added value as part of integrated nuclear-renewable energy systems in hydrogen production along with serving off-grid communities and remote areas.


    headshots of panelists and their company logos
    Christopher Gully Christopher Gully Canadian Nuclear Association Logo

    Ivette Vera-Perez

    Ivette Vera-Perez

    Canadian Hydrogen Association logo

    Bill Smith

    Bill Smith

    Terrestrial Energy Logo

    Tom Wajda
    hatch logo


    The main objectives of this event are to create an effective platform of knowledge and information transfer by bringing together speakers from national and provincial stakeholders to shed light on the topic towards building hydrogen economy and the role of nuclear in Ontario as an enabler to facing the climate crisis; and to provide an interactive platform for the participants to communicate with the speakers and panelists.

    Thank you to everyone who was able to attend, and to our panelists for their knowledge and insight.


    We are very grateful to our sponsors who supported this event.

    Canadian Nuclear Association

    Canadian Nuclear Association Logo


    Terrestrial Energy

    Terrestrial Energy Logo