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All About Nuclear Hydrogen Production


June 19 to 20, 2023
Ontario Tech University
Oshawa, ON, Canada


Ontario Tech University, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Collaborating Centre, is organizing this workshop on nuclear hydrogen production titled: "All About Nuclear Hydrogen Production" in coordination with the IAEA.

  • Invitation to Participate in the Workshop

    Hydrogen production using clean energy sources including nuclear energy is today well recognized as playing a key role in the net-zero carbon emission goals of many nations around the globe as well as contributing to global energy security. Canada’s energy sector is making an important contribution to hydrogen production from sources as diverse as nuclear to renewable such as wind and solar. Indeed, nuclear hydrogen in Canada is experiencing unprecedented momentum with ongoing projects to utilize the currently operating fleet of nuclear power plants as well as national and international R&D projects towards sustainable large-scale hydrogen production using advanced nuclear reactor technologies including small modular reactors.

    In line with Ontario Tech University’s strategic priority to drive new research and discovery in clean and sustainable energy, and in accordance with the vital role the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Collaborating Centre at the university plays as a champion of hydrogen production and nuclear energy using innovative and small modular reactors, I invite you to participate to our upcoming in-person workshop on the role of nuclear energy in hydrogen production. This workshop will bring together researchers and energy sector partners from around the world to discuss state-of-the-art nuclear hydrogen technologies and the role of nuclear energy towards a sustainable hydrogen economy.

    We look forward to seeing you at the workshop in Oshawa.

    Headshot of Les Jacobs

    Prof. Les Jacobs, Ph.D., FRSC
    Vice-President, Research and Innovation
    Ontario Tech University

    Headshot of Hossam Kishawy

    Prof. Hossam Kishawy, Ph.D., P.Eng
    Dean, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
    Ontario Tech University