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Biosafety Committee

The Biosafety Committee establishes and maintains a system to ensure all activities within the university involving biological agents are conducted in a safe manner and in conformity with generally accepted standards. The Committee:

  • Assesses the risks of the work.
  • Identifies any additional precautions including appropriate waste disposal.
  • Reviews all applications for a Biosafety certificate.
  • Sets the appropriate level of containment.

For more information on the Ontario Tech’s Biosafety Program, please visit the Health and Safety webpage or contact the Biosafety and Radiation Safety Officer.


The university must adhere to the Laboratory Biosafety and Biosecurity requirements, mostly under the Human Pathogens and Toxins Regulations (HPTR) and the Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act, and establish specific policies and procedures to maintain safe working conditions.  Other relevant regulatory requirements include, but are not limited to: