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IRIS Training Presentations

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IRIS In-Person Training Presentations

The Office of Research Services (ORS) provides in-person IRIS research portal training presentations on a request basis for faculty and staff. Training presentations are typically 45 minutes, so they can be scheduled into your department or faculty meeting.

Topics covered in training include:

  • What is the IRIS research portal?
  • Logging in.
  • Creating a new application.
  • Cloning a previous application.
  • Filling in your application:
    • Adding project team members and changing the principal investigator (PI) on an application.
    • Linking an application to an Ontario Tech-administered funding file.
    • Adding attachments to your application and using templates.
    • Finding unaddressed required questions.
  • Working collaboratively with your research team to prepare a Research Ethics Board (REB) application.
  • Locked application files.
  • Workflow and project logs.
  • Exporting your application to a Word or PDF document.
  • Submitting your application.
  • Responding to a request for clarification from the REB.
  • Process for student/post-doctoral PIs and supervisors.
  • Keeping your REB protocol current (renewals, changes, closures and unanticipated/adverse events).
  • Accessing support for IRIS.

To schedule an IRIS training presentation, please email the ORS.