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Research Committee

The Research Committee (RC) is a standing committee of Ontario Tech's Academic Council and is responsible for providing advice on research-related policy, procedures and strategy. The RC supports research policy and strategy through governance, and encourages quality research across all disciplines and faculties. 

Specifically, the RC has the following responsibilities:

  • Advise and make recommendations to Academic Council on policies and programs that promote, support and celebrate high‐quality research, scholarly work and innovation and their dissemination;
  • Advise and make recommendations to Academic Council on issues related to the conduct of research and scholarly work and any such practices that violate the university's mission and respect for academic freedom;
  • Advise and make recommendations to Academic Council on policies, procedures, practices and issues related to the ethical, regulatory, etc., conduct of research and scholarly work and its dissemination;
  • Examine proposals for the establishment of research entities at the university, and recommend to Academic Council the establishment or discontinuation of such entities;
  • Review annually the activities of the university’s research entities;
  • Report annually to Academic Council on the university’s research and scholarly activities;
  • Inform faculties of the current standards, policies and guidelines that have an impact on research, scholarship and innovation; and,
  • Perform other duties as assigned by Academic Council.

The RC’s Terms of Reference and committee membership are available on the Academic Council Committees webpage.