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2015 Best Poster Award Winners

2015 Student Research Showcase


Faculty of Business and Information Technology:

Studying the Feasibility of Subconscious Image Classification Using Brain-Computer Interfaces by Christopher Bellman and Albert Fung and supervised by Miguel Vargas Martin, PhD, and Ramiro Liscano, PhD.

Faculty of Education:

Examining Canadian Teachers’ Codes of Conduct by Jennifer Nelson and supervised by Shirley van Nuland, PhD.

Faculty of Energy Systems and Nuclear Science:

Examining the Sustainability of Ontario’s Energy Use by Ryan Murphy-Snow and supervised by Jennifer McKellar, PhD.

Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science:

Classifier Accuracy for Detection of Electric Vehicles from Residential House Loads for Smart Meter Applications by Jessica Bauer and supervised by Walid Morsi Ibrahim, PhD.

Faculty of Health Sciences:

Improving Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Rates in the Durham Region to Enhance Sudden Cardiac Arrest Survival Outcomes by Denise Polgar and supervised by Brenda Gamble, PhD.

Faculty of Science:

Creating a Standardization Variable to Assist Law Enforcement in Classification of Firearms as Either Lethal or Non-Lethal by Cory Falconer and Ke Ma and supervised by Franco Gaspari, PhD and Kimberly Nugent.

Faculty of Social Science and Humanities:

The Dark Side of Perspective-Taking by Rebecca Anne Bloom and Jennifer O'Connell and supervised by Matthew Shane, PhD.

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