Allocations of Research Support Fund Grants
Funding that Ontario Tech University has received from the Research Support Fund over the past five years can be viewed in the graph below. The university was allocated:
- $2,499,203 in 2024-2025 ** includes new allocation of $49,057 dedicated to Research Security
- $2,316,531 in 2023-2024 ** includes new allocation of $44,612 dedicated to Research Security
- $2,229,672 in 2022-2023 ** includes new allocation of $43,998 dedicated to Research Security
- $1,935,801 in 2021-2022
- $1,835,662 in 2020-2021
- $1,798,806 in 2019-2020

Research Support Funds are allocated to defray expenditures in the following 5 categories:
- Research facilities
- Research resources
- Management and administration of an institution's research enterprise
- Regulatory requirements and accreditation
- Intellectual property and knowledge mobilization
In fiscal year 2024-2025, the university proposes to allocate the Research Support Grant funds between the five categories as outlined in the chart below. The university is required to maintain a public summary of the actual allocation of expenditures for 5 years.
The funding is allocated through two mechanisms:
- Central allocation: Annually, a portion of the research support program is allocated to maintain the current level of services and support the research environment. Specifically, funds go towards the costs in the following categories:
- Research facilities to defray the cost of utilities in research space and renovate and update laboratory space.
- Research resources to defray the costs associated with the acquisition of library research holdings and maintain subscriptions to electronic journals and databases.
- Management and administration to defray the costs of supporting grants administration and financial compliance and reporting.
- Regulatory requirements and accreditation to maintain the operation of the Research Ethics Board, the Animal Care Committee, the Radiation Safety Committee and the Biosafety Committee.
- Intellectual property and knowledge mobilization to support the management of intellectual property and the maintenance of the existing patent portfolio.
2. The Office of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation strategic fund: This fund is allocated in-year to address emergent and strategic priorities in accordance with the five categories. The Vice-President, Research and Innovation makes the allocation decision in consultation, as needed, with key senior leaders.