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NSERC PromoScience

Sponsor/Agency: NSERC

Program: PromoScience


NSERC's PromoScience Program offers financial support for organizations working with young Canadians to promote an understanding of science and engineering (including mathematics and technology). Organizations may request funds for up to three years at a time.

PromoScience supports hands-on learning experiences for young students and their teachers. Grants may be used to cover improvements to program content or delivery, as well as for new programs and activities. Grants can also be used to cover operational costs such as salaries, travel, postage, materials and supplies, provided that they relate to the promotion of science and engineering.

Note that grants may not be used to support research.

PromoScience encourages a wide variety of organizations to help young Canadians in elementary school and high school, and their teachers, to develop science and engineering skills and interests. Organizations that encourage Indigenous undergraduate students to pursue graduate studies in natural sciences and engineering (NSE) are additionally eligible.

PromoScience grants support organizations that:

  • work with young Canadians to inspire an interest in science and engineering
  • motivate young people to study science and engineering and to pursue careers in these fields
  • bring interactive, hands-on science experiences to young people

These include organizations that:

  • focus on underrepresented groups in NSE careers
  • provide instruction and resources to science, math and technology teachers


NSERC limits the number of PromoScience applications that the university can submit to one per department/Faculty per competition year. As such, if we receive more than one application per department/Faculty, each department/Faculty will decide which application will move forward to the national competition.

If you are interested in applying to the NSERC PromoScience program, please submit the mandatory Notice of Intent to Apply to Ewa Stewart by Monday, July 22.

Please submit a 250-word executive summary of the proposed project that you would like to submit to the PromoScience Grant program. Please outline:

  • the nature and goals of the project
  • the number of youth or teachers to be reached
  • an overview of how the PromoScience funding would be spent

Additionally, please include:

  • a list of other sources of funding for the project (NSERC PromoScience provides a maximum of $200,000/ year for three years and NSERC will only fund 1/3 of the total project costs; you must secure the other 2/3 from other sources (the university, partner organizations, etc.)) 

If more than one NOI is received in your Faculty/department, the Dean or designate will select the project that will move forward to the full application stage. Selected applicants will be notified by July 29 and will develop their full application package and submit to ORS for review by September 3.


Mandatory notification of intent to apply to ORS (by email to Ewa Stewart): July 22
ORS deadline for comprehensive review + RGA: September 3
NSERC deadline: September 16



Up to $200,000 per year

NSERC will not fund 100% of the costs of a proposed activity. NSERC’s contribution is generally up to one-third of a program’s funding. If your request deviates significantly from the one-third guideline, demonstrate your efforts to secure other sources of funding in the budget section of your application. The maximum allowable request is $200,000/year for three years.


Up to 3 years.

How to Apply:

  1. Read program guidelines and application instructions.
  2. Submit NOI with 250-word executive summary of proposed project to Ewa Stewart by July 22.
  3. If selected to move forward, complete the PromoScience application summary form, the proposal (use selection criteria and indicators as headings and subheadings, budget and budget justification
  4. Request and obtain up to 6 Letters of Support (especially to confirm cash and inkind contributions; University applicants are strongly encouraged to include a letter of commitment from the host institution)
  5. Submit the full application, including budget and letters of support, and an RGA form signed by your Dean by September 3 to allow time for the ORS review and to obtain signatures. The Application Summary Form must be signed by an ORS representative prior to submission.
  6. Applications must be submitted electronically using NSERC’s ICSP secure submission site by September 16. All the parts of your application must be combined into a single document in portable document format (PDF). Zip files and PDF portfolios will not be accepted. Material or updates to your application received separately (before or after the deadline date) will not be accepted. 

For More Information:

or Ewa Stewart, Grants Officer.