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CIHR – Project Grant: Fall 2024 Competition

Sponsor/Agency: CIHR

Program: Project Grant

*Please contact Raluca Dubrowski if you are interested in applying for this competition.


The Project Grant is designed to capture ideas with the greatest potential for important advances in fundamental or applied health-related knowledge, health care, health systems, and/or health outcomes by supporting projects of research proposed and conducted by individual researchers or groups of researchers in all areas of health. The Project Grant program is open to applicants in all areas of health research that are aligned with the CIHR mandate.


The Project Grant program is expected to:

  • Support a diverse portfolio of health-related research and knowledge translation proposals at any stage, from discovery to application, including commercialization;
  • Promote relevant collaborations across disciplines, professions, and sectors; and
  • Contribute to the creation and use of health-related knowledge.


Registration Deadline:

August 14, 2024 : Registration is mandatory; applicants cannot submit an application if they do not register.

For registration, applicants are required to have a CIHR PIN and an account with ResearchNet.

Application Deadline:

August 19, 2024 (comprehensive review): ORS internal deadline for a comprehensive review. Applicants are strongly encouraged to submit their applications via email to Raluca Dubrowski for a comprehensive review of the application.

September 4, 2024 (mandatory internal deadline): ORS internal deadline for administrative review. Please submit the pdf of your ResearchNet application along with a complete and signed RGA form via email to Raluca Dubrowski.

September 11, 2024 (mandatory funder deadline): external CIHR deadline for full application. Applications must be submitted in the ResearchNet system by 9 a.m. The grants officer will conduct a final review for completeness and submit it to the funder. The funder deadline is 8 p.m.


An individual or an organization cannot submit more than two Project Grant applications per competition as a Nominated Principal Applicant. Check additional eligibility requirements here.


There is no minimum or maximum limit per year for the Project Grant.


There is no actual duration limit for the Project Grant. Most grants range between 2 and 5 years.

Partnership Requirements:

This is not a partnered grant and there are no formal requirements for partnering; however, depending on the nature of the research proposal, a commitment from interested or engaged knowledge user(s) or other partners will be reasonably expected by peer reviewers.

How to Apply:

  1. Notify Raluca Dubrowski of your intent to apply to the Fall 2024 competition as soon as possible. Raluca will meet with you, as needed, to discuss the proposed research; grant requirements; letters of support; questions related to the ResearchNet portal, budget, CCV, co-applicants and collaborators; help develop the KT section of the grant, etc.
  2. Review the grant requirements, peer review manual, and the evaluation criteria.
  3. Complete or update your CCV (CIHR Biosketch version).
  4. Register for the Project Grant Fall 2024 competition, in the ResearchNet, by the August 14, 2024 deadline.
  5. Complete your application in the ResearchNet portal and submit your application for review to Raluca Dubrowski by the deadlines outlined above.

Anticipated Notice of Decision:

January 29, 2025

Grant Start Date:

April 1, 2025

ORS Information Session:

To support applicants prepare their applications, ORS prepared an information session for the CIHR Project Grant. The invited guest for the information session is Dr. JoAnne Arcand from the Faculty of Health Sciences, Ontario Tech University. Dr. Arcand has served as a reviewer for the CIHR Project Grant for several years and holds an active CIHR Project Grant. The recording of the information session can be accessed here

In addition, CIHR will organize a Project Grant webinar in the new year. ORS will share those details once available.

Consultant Honorarium Program:

ORS review is often well complemented by the review of a disciplinary expert who can assess the technical aspects of your proposal. You are therefore encouraged to solicit colleagues to act as peer reviewers to help refine your grant proposal. ORS will offer a $150 honorarium to external consultants in the applicant’s field with previous success in the CIHR Project Grant. Consultant review should focus on the methodology of the application from the perspective of a disciplinary expert. Note that there is a limit of one honorarium per applicant. Please contact Raluca Dubrowski if you wish to take advantage of this program.

CIHR Webinars

CIHR will be hosting the following webinars to support participants with the requirements of the funding opportunity “Fall 2024 Project Grant” and to answer questions on how to apply.

English Sessions
Duration: 60 minutes
When: Wednesday, July 31, 2024 at 11 a.m. ET | Join
When: Thursday, August 15, 2024 at 1 p.m. ET | Join

French Sessions
Duration: 60 minutes
 Wednesday, July 31, 2024 at 1 p.m. ET | Join
When: Thursday, August 15, 2024 at 11 a.m. ET | Join


If you have any questions, please contact Raluca Dubrowski.

Supporting Resources: