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Innovate Nuclear

Innovate Nuclear reflects expertise in areas of nuclear research related to technological development, innovation, safety and security, enabling technologies, societal impact and perception. Select one of the expertise areas below for a list of Ontario Tech's subject matter experts.


  • Nuclear Power and Technology Development
    SMRs/Advanced Reactors | CANDU Reactors| Fuel Cycle and Decommissioning | Material Science and Advance Manufacturing
    Kirk Atkinson

    Kirk Atkinson

    Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
    Ahmad Barari
    Head shot of Ahmad Barari

    Ahmad Barari

    Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
    George Bereznai
    Head shot of Ahmad Barari

    George Bereznai

    Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
    Rami El-Emam
    Rami El-Emam

    Rami El-Emam

    Office of VP, Research & Innovation
    John Froats
    Rami El-Emam

    John Froats

    Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
    Glenn Harvel
    Rami El-Emam

    Glenn Harvel

    Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
    Matthew Kaye
    Rami El-Emam

    Matthew Kaye

    Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
    Amirkianoosh Kiani
    Rami El-Emam

    Amirkianoosh Kiani

    Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
    Rachid Machrafi
    headshot of Rachid Machrafi

    Rachid Machrafi

    Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
    Atef Mohany
    headshot of atef mohany

    Atef Mohany

    Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
    Eleodor Nichita
    headshot of atef mohany

    Eleodor Nichita

    Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
    Igor Pioro
    Head shot of Igor Pioro

    Igor Pioro

    Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
    Akira Tokuhiro
    Head shot of Igor Pioro

    Akira Tokuhiro

    Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
  • Innovation and Applications
    Hydrogen and Cogeneration | Nuclear Applications | Fusion and Space
    Martin Agelin-Chaab
    Headshot of Martin Agelin-Chaab

    Martin Agelin-Chaab

    Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
    Ibrahim Dincer
    Headshot of Martin Agelin-Chaab

    Ibrahim Dincer

    Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
    Rami El-Emam
    Rami El-Emam

    Rami El-Emam

    Office of VP, Research & Innovation
    Hossam Gaber
    headshot of hossam gaber

    Hossam Gaber

    Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
    Jennifer Mckellar
    headshot of hossam gaber

    Jennifer Mckellar

    Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
    Igor Pioro
    Head shot of Igor Pioro

    Igor Pioro

    Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
    Marc Rosen
    Head shot of Marc Rosen

    Marc Rosen

    Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
    Akira Tokuhiro
    Head shot of Marc Rosen

    Akira Tokuhiro

    Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
  • Safety and Security
    Nuclear Safety | Risk Assessment and Severe Accident Management | Nuclear Radiation | Cyber Security
    Khalil El-Khatib
    Headshot of Khalil El-Khatib

    Khalil El-Khatib

    Faculty of Business Information and Technology
    John Froats
    Headshot of Khalil El-Khatib

    John Froats

    Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
    Hossam Gaber
    headshot of hossam gaber

    Hossam Gaber

    Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
    Lixuan Lu
    headshot of Lixuan Lu

    Lixuan Lu

    Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
    Rachid Machrafi
    headshot of Rachid Machrafi

    Rachid Machrafi

    Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
    Eleodor Nichita
    headshot of Rachid Machrafi

    Eleodor Nichita

    Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
    Akira Tokuhiro
    headshot of Rachid Machrafi

    Akira Tokuhiro

    Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
    Edward Waller
    headshot of Rachid Machrafi

    Edward Waller

    Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
  • Enabling Technologies
    Artificial Intelligence | Internet of Things | Digital Twin and Simulation
    Christopher Collins
    Headshot of Christopher Collins

    Christopher Collins

    Faculty of Science
    Mohammad El-Darieby
    Headshot of Mohamed El-Darieby

    Mohammad El-Darieby

    Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
    Rami El-Emam
    Rami El-Emam

    Rami El-Emam

    Office of VP, Research & Innovation
    Khalil El-Khatib
    Headshot of Khalil El-Khatib

    Khalil El-Khatib

    Faculty of Business and Information Technology
    Alvaro Joffre Uribe Quevedo
    Headshot of Khalil El-Khatib

    Alvaro Joffre Uribe Quevedo

    Faculty of Business and Information Technology
    Peter Lewis
    Headshot of Khalil El-Khatib

    Peter Lewis

    Faculty of Business and Information Technology
    Masoud Makrehchi
    Headshot of Khalil El-Khatib

    Masoud Makrehchi

    Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
    Carolyn McGregor
    Headshot of Khalil El-Khatib

    Carolyn McGregor

    Faculty of Business and Information Technology
    Edward Waller
    Headshot of Khalil El-Khatib

    Edward Waller

    Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
  • Societal Impact and Capacity Building
    Environmental Risk Assessment| Public Perception | Nuclear Education
    George Bereznai
    Headshot of Khalil El-Khatib

    George Bereznai

    Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
    Ibrahim Dincer
    Headshot of Khalil El-Khatib

    Ibrahim Dincer

    Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
    Rami El-Emam
    Rami El-Emam

    Rami El-Emam

    Office of VP, Research & Innovation
    John Froats
    Rami El-Emam

    John Froats

    Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
    Daniel Hoornweg
    Rami El-Emam

    Daniel Hoornweg

    Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
    Les Jacobs
    Rami El-Emam

    Les Jacobs

    Faculty of Social Science and Humanities
    Jennifer McKellar
    Rami El-Emam

    Jennifer McKellar

    Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
    Tanner Mirrlees
    Rami El-Emam

    Tanner Mirrlees

    Faculty of Social Science and Humanities
    Igor Pioro
    Head shot of Igor Pioro

    Igor Pioro

    Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
    Marc Rosen
    Head shot of Marc Rosen

    Marc Rosen

    Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science