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Research Excellence Chairs Program 2025


Ontario Tech University established the Research Excellence Chairs Program to recognize and retain outstanding researchers at Ontario Tech University. The program has three streams and is designed to enable researchers to complete a major research program. Further, the program is meant to emphasize the importance of research at Ontario Tech in strategic areas, while highlighting and promoting the outstanding achievements of our scholars and the university’s commitment to Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI).

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Focus

We encourage participation and representation from persons in the federally recognized Four Designated Groups (FDGs), which include women, Indigenous persons, persons with disabilities and racialized scholars, and members of the 2SLGBTQ+ community. In addition, principles of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion will guide the application and adjudication process.


The program is open to researchers from all disciplines. Current Research Excellence Chairholders are only eligible to apply in their final year. Applicants must select one stream only at the time of the application and clearly indicate it in the application.

  • Stream 1 (Transform): Open to previous Chairholders, including, Canada Research Chairs, Industrial Research Chairs and Ontario Tech University Research Excellence Chairs.
  • Stream 2 (Ignite): Open to all Tenured and Tenure-Track (TTT) faculty members at Ontario Tech University.
  • Stream 3 (Social Innovation): Open to all Tenured and Tenure-Track (TTT) faculty members at Ontario Tech University (including previous Chairholders) whose research contributes to social innovation, defined as the process of developing and deploying effective solutions to challenging and often systemic social and environmental issues in support of social progress.


Full Application: March 21, 2025

Decisions: June 2025

Start Date of Award: July 1, 2025


Up to $15,000 per year of the award.

The number of Chairs that the Vice-President, Research, and Innovation (VPRI) will support is dependent on available funding. 


  • Stream 1 (Transform): Three years, renewable one time only, based on performance and available funding
  • Stream 2 (Ignite): Two years, non-renewable
  • Stream 3 (Social Innovation): Two years, non-renewable.

How to Apply:

The application package consists of two components:

  1. Application materials
    1. Research Chair Title, Stream and Research Program Summary
    2. Research Funding Plan and Description of Applicant’s Expected Contribution to Research Leadership
    3. Description of the Proposed Research Program
    4. Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Action Plan
    5. Budget and Justification
    6. Most Significant Research Contributions
    7. Reference Letter
    8. Renewal Statement (it only applies to Stream 1 renewals)
  2. Curriculum vitae

See attached guidelines for details on how to apply and review the Internal Peer Review Guide.

Adjudication Process:

Applications will be adjudicated by a multidisciplinary selection committee composed of six active or past Chairs (e.g., Canada Research Chairs; Research Excellence Chairs; etc.), and, if needed, committee membership will be extended to full professors. Committee members will be selected by the VPRI, ensuring that there are no conflicts of interest. The VPRI will identify a Chair, from its members, to lead and facilitate the adjudication process. Please refer to the Peer Review Guide for more details on the process. Several concrete measures will be implemented to ensure an equitable adjudication process (see attached guidelines). The adjudication is conducted in four stages:

Stage 1: Orientation Session

The orientation session will be held after the committee is formed and all committee members had signed the membership agreement and conflict of interest declaration form. The purpose of the orientation session is to prepare the selection committee for the adjudication process by reviewing the evaluation criteria and their interpretation; making decisions re: the adjudication process (e.g., use of a cut-off score; discussing all applications); reviewing the training required; clarifying roles, discussing conflict of interest; answering questions from the committee, etc.

Stage 2: Evaluation of Applications

Members of the selection committee, with the exception of the Chair, will independently evaluate all applications based on the evaluation criteria for the specific internal program, using the scoring sheet provided by ORS. Reviewers will also provide constructive feedback to applicants to improve the quality of the proposed research. Reviewers will send the complete scoring sheet to ORS by the specified deadline. ORS staff will compile all scores prior to the adjudication meeting.

Stage 3: Adjudication Meeting

The committee will discuss applications based on the process established by the committee during the orientation session. This discussion will be led by the Chair who will encourage the involvement of the entire committee in evaluating/discussing each application based on the evaluation criteria for each competition. At the end of the meeting, the selection committee will make funding recommendations to the VPRI.

Stage 4: Funding Decisions by VPRI

Using the selection committee’s ranking and review comments, the VPRI will make the final decision about which applications to fund and the amount of funding awarded to each, given the available funding and in consideration of EDI principles. The VPRI may consult with the EDI advisor and the Committee Chair. Notification of results will be sent to all applicants once decisions have been finalized. All decisions are final.


If you need support while preparing your application or have any questions about the program, please contact Raluca Dubrowski.