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NSERC Alliance International

Sponsor/Agency: NSERC

Program: NSERC Alliance International


Alliance International will provide support for researchers in Canada to work with leading international researchers from the academic sector, and to establish and grow international research collaborations and projects that have a high potential for impact in NSE disciplines. The overall objectives are to: 1) allow Canadian researchers to initiate the development of international collaborations; and 2) provide support for Canadian researchers participating in international collaborative projects of global importance and benefit to Canada.


Alliance International offers two grant types:

  • Alliance International Catalyst grants will provide up to $25,000 for one year to support Canadian researchers in initiating international research collaborations in the NSE disciplines.
  • Alliance International Collaboration grants will provide up to $100,000 per year for up to three years, allowing Canadian researchers to participate in international projects and leverage the best international expertise to help address research challenges in the NSE disciplines of impact and benefit for Canada. The amount you can request for an Alliance International Collaboration grant will depend on the amount of funding obtained by your international academic collaborator(s) from their own national funding agency. The funding secured by your international collaborator(s) will be recognized for cost sharing purposes. This contribution must be at least equal to the amount requested from NSERC. Please note that all amounts are in Canadian dollars.


Alliance International is a new, permanent stream of Alliance. There is no deadline to apply and grants will be awarded throughout the year.


Catalyst grants: up to $25,000

Collaboration grants: up to $100,000 per year


Catalyst grants: 1 year

Collaboration grants: up to 3 years


Applicant Eligibility: Principal applicants and Canadian co-applicants must hold an active peer-reviewed grant, as primary applicant, at the time of application.

Partner Eligibility: Non-academic partner organizations are not required.

Application Limits:

Catalyst grants: Limit of one application within a 12-month period as either applicant or co-applicant. It is expected that a maximum of 100 grants will be awarded per year.

Collaboration grants: Limit of one application within a 12-month period as either applicant or co-applicant.

Limits apply to each stream individually. Ie. you can apply for one Catalyst grant and one Collaboration grant in the same 12-month period.

How to Apply:

  1. Notify your Grants Officer of your intent to apply. ORS will confirm partner and project eligibility.
  2. Following the instructions for completing an Alliance International application, fill out the proposal template and complete the other sections of your application.
    • This template is different from the regular Alliance application template; ensure you are using the correct template (see attached)
    • Select “International” under “type of call” when completing Form 101 in the online system
  3. Submit your completed application and supporting documents, including the personal data form with CCV attachment, for the principal applicant and all co-applicants through NSERC’s online system.

For More Information:

Consult the program website, contact or your Faculty Grants Officer.

Example of Eligible Project Activities:

  • Developing in-person or online education and/or awareness events, such as test drive opportunities
  • Developing curriculum or training material
  • Outreach and awareness campaigns
  • Creating web-based resources
  • Developing in-person professional training or industry-led skills training
  • Increasing knowledge of charging & refuelling and/or clean fuels options and technologies
