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Canada Research Continuity Emergency Fund

The Government of Canada implemented the temporary program, the Canada Research Continuity Emergency Fund (CRCEF), to help sustain the research enterprise at Canadian universities that have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and to ensure that the benefits of significant investments in universities to date are protected. 

The $459 million program has two overarching objectives: 

  1. To provide wage support (up to $325 million) to universities and health research institutions, both of which are ineligible for the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS), in order to retain research-related personnel during the course of the COVID-19 pandemic. 
  2. To support incremental costs ($125 million) associated with maintaining essential research commitments during the COVID-19 pandemic, including the ramping-up to full research activities as physical distancing measures are eased and research activities can resume.

CRCEF is a Tri-Agency program and is part of the Government of Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan.  The program is:  

  • Administered by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) on behalf of the three federal research funding agencies: the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) and SSHRC;
  • Provided with strategic oversight and approval of awards by the Canada Research Coordinating Committee (CRCC);
  • Provided with administration through the Tri-agency Institutional Programs Secretariat (TIPS). 

The program consists of four stages: 

  • Stage 1 - Wage support for research-related personnel
    • Ontario Tech University allocation: $110,932
  • Stage 2 - Supplemental wage support for research-related personnel
    • No Funding to Ontario Tech
  • Stage 3 - Research maintenance/ramp-up costs
    • Ontario Tech allocation: $189,991
  • Stage 4 - Extension period for wage support for research-related personnel 
    • Ontario Tech unconfirmed allocation: $487,685

Full program details can be found on the Government of Canada’s CRCEF website. 


  • Program Objectives

    Specifically, the program has two main objectives:

    1. to provide wage support for universities and health research institutions to help them retain research-related personnel who are funded from non-government sources and are unable to access some of the government’s existing COVID-19 support measures during the course of the COVID-19 pandemic.  Stage 1 and 2 of the programs, initially provided up to 75% of the eligible portion of eligible research-related personnel’s wages, with a maximum of $847 per week for up to 12 weeks per individual, within the eligibility period of March 15, 2020 to August 29, 2020. The maximum period of support was extended to a maximum of 24 weeks (Stage 4); and
    2.  to support extraordinary incremental costs associated with maintaining essential research-related commitments during the COVID-19 pandemic, and then ramping-up to full research activities as physical distancing measures are eased and research activities can resume (Stage 3).  This program will cover up to 75% of total eligible costs incurred during the eligibility period of March 15, 2020 to November 15, 2020. 
  • Eligible and Non-Eligible Expenses

    Stage 1,2 and 4 – Wages (or wage portions) of research-related personnel

    Eligible expenses include the following:

    • Up to 75% of the portion of research-related personnel’s salaries/wages normally support by non-governmental sources, to a maximum of $847 per week of salary support per individual, incurred within the eligibility period of March 15, 2020 – August 29, 2020.
    • Stages 1 and 2 cover up to 12 weeks of support per individual (consecutive or broken up over the eligibility period). Stage 4 covers any additional support needed to a maximum of 24 weeks of support per individual.
    • Research-related personnel who have been laid off or furloughed as a result of COVID-19 within the eligibility period can become eligible retroactively, as long as they are rehired and their retroactive pay and status meet the eligibility criteria for the claim period. 

    Research-related personnel are defined as those employed by universities or health research institutions who are working for faculty members conducting research, or who are working in scientific and engineering facilities/laboratories supporting broad research objectives (e.g. graduate students, PDFs and other personnel associated with research projects). Principal investigators are excluded from the research-related personnel definition. 

    Non-eligible expenses are the following: 

    • Benefits, salary/wages or portions of these, and expenses are not eligible if they are covered through:
      • Other federal research funding agency awards;
      • The Canada Foundation for Innovation awards; or
      • Funding from all levels of government, including COVID-19 relief programs.
    • Individuals who will have their wages funded by CRCEF cannot receive support from the Canada Emergency Response Benefit. 

    Stage 3 – Research maintenance/ramp-up costs 

    Stage 3 of this program is intended to support direct costs associated with maintenance and ramp-up of research activities incurred between March 15, 2020 and November 15, 2020

    Eligible expenses include the following: 

    Maintenance costs:

    • Cost incurred must be associated with maintaining essential research-related activities during the pandemic that are exceptional and incrementalto those already covered by existing sources of funds, funded at up to 75%.  This includes:
      • animal and specimen care through the crisis period;
      • maintenance of equipment, software, cohorts, datasets, including warranties, licenses and service contracts;
      • technological equipment for remote access to maintain assets; and
      • safety equipment for personnel dedicated to maintenance. 

    Ramp-up costs:

    • Costs incurred during the eligibility period and associated with the full ramp-upof research activities, as physical distancing measures are eased and research activities can resume.  Only costs that are exceptional and incremental to those already covered by existing sources of funds will be supported, up to 75%.  Eligible expenses include those incurred at the project level and associated with:
      • re-organizing the research environment and activities;
      • additional costs to bring the research back to its pre-pandemic level, including experiments or related to the restart of collections and datasets (e.g., population-based, environmental);
      • user fees charged by shared platforms to researchers, and a direct expense to research projects, to restart research activities (e.g., animal- care facilities, digital labs);
      • re-scheduling and restarting human and clinical trials;
      • exceptional costs to access special facilities, platforms and resources, knowledge transfer meetings and workshops;
      • restarting, reassembling and safety checks of equipment and facilities;
      • reacquiring lost and donated laboratory and field supplies and equipment, reagents, perishable materials, laboratory animal and other living specimens; and
      • personal protective equipment and related items for research personnel. 

    Non-eligible expenses are the following:

    • Ramp-down costs are not eligible.
  • Decision making process for Canada Research Continuity Emergency Fund (CRCEF) Wage Subsidy Funds: Stages 1 and 4

    Ontario Tech University (University of Ontario Institute of Technology) utilized a needs-based approach, grounded in the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI), to determine the funding for Stages 1 and 4 of the Canada Research Continuity Emergency Fund (CRCEF).

    Decision Making, Adjudication and Evaluation Process for Stages 1 and 4

    • Governance structure – The university official responsible for the program requirements is Les Jacobs, Vice-President Research and Innovation (VPRI).  For the application administration, the institutional authority representative is designated to Jennifer Freeman, Executive Director, Office of Research Services.
    • Broad stakeholder consultation – The Office of the Vice-President Research and Innovation, consulted with the Deans and Faculty Associate Deans Research at Ontario Tech to determine, within the constraints of the funding opportunity, the needs of the research community regarding support during the pandemic. In turn, the Deans consulted, as appropriate, with their faculty members (inclusive of those Faculty from equity seeking groups and members of Faculty conducting research in areas relevant to reconciliation or EDI).  Faculty members also provided direct feedback and comments to the Office of Research Services.  Where appropriate, the Research Board, Research Working Group, Faculty Councils and the Director of Equity, Diversity and Inclusive Engagement were consulted throughout the process.
      • This consultative process determined three main areas of priority, as follows: 
        • Post-Doctoral Fellows
        • Graduate Students
        • Research Facilities (e.g. Automotive Centre of Excellence)  
    • Review of Eligibility of Expenses– The Offices of Research and Trust Accounting, the Department of Human Resources, the Faculty of Graduate Studies, the Department of Finance (payroll) and the Office of Research Services will conduct an administrative review of eligible research-related personnel and expenses Stage 1 and 4.  This process will include: 
      • obtaining a complete list of research-related personnel (e.g. post-doctoral fellows, graduate students, employees supporting research facilities);
      • reviewing eligibility of expenses based on contract start and end dates;
      • reviewing eligibility of research-related personnel based on funding sources during the identified contract period; and
      • determination of the proposed allocation of the actual funding based on pro-rata allocation of actual eligible salary expenses to all research-related personnel to promote inclusivity and fairness.
        • Consultation on the eligibility of expenses will be sought from the following individuals as required:
          • Research Working Group (Vice-President Research and Innovation; Provost; Vice-President Administration; Manager Research and Trust Accounting; Executive Director, Office of Research Services) in consultation with the Director of Equity, Diversity and Inclusive Engagement and Dean of Graduate Studies.    
    • Review and adjudication process– In the event that the funding requests for Stage 1 and 4 are higher than that received, Ontario Tech University will convene the CRCEF Adjudication Committee comprised of the following individuals:
      • Research Working Group:
        • Vice-President Research and Innovation;
        • Provost;
        • VP Administration;
        • Executive Director, Office of Research Services;
        • Manager, Research and Trust Accounting;
      • Director, Equity, Diversity and Inclusive Engagement;
      • Dean of Graduate Studies. 

    In addition, Subject Matter Experts, will be invited, as required, to participate in the adjudication process to provide a broad research perspective in a range of fields, including, those with a focus on race, gender, disability, sexuality, LGBTQ2+ communities, human rights, reconciliation, community engaged research and indigenous ways of knowing.

    The CRCEF Adjudication Committee will follow SSHRC's Guidelines for the Merit Review of Indigenous Research.  In addition, where appropriate, the CRCEF Adjudication Committee will also follow the Ontario Tech Indigenization Consultation guidelines as established by the Indigenous Education and Cultural Services Office. All decision-makers will undergo training on bias awareness and reduction and, through Ontario Tech's Employer Partnership with the Canadian Center for Diversity and Inclusion (CCDI), the resources on Inclusive Leadership and Decision-making during COVID-19 will be reviewed by the CRCEF Adjudication Committee.

    The CRCEF Adjudication Committee will utilize the following assessment criteria and considerations.

    • Special considerations will be given to researchers known to be most impacted by COVID-19. Specifically, early-career researchers, researchers belonging to equity-seeking groups and researchers who were personally impacted by COVID-19 (e.g., their own or their immediate family’s health has been directly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, family obligations for dependent care or limited access to medical care for persons with disabilities) and/or have needs concerning child/family care.
    • Priority considerations will be based on equity, diversity and inclusion considerations to guide decision making beyond reviewing eligibility of expenditures;
    • The alignment with the assessment criteria identified below.

    The CRCEF Adjudication Committee may consider additional assessment criteria, which could include the following:

    • pro-rating requests according to funding allocation;
    • a minimum incremental cost for a project to be considered for the funding;
    • the financial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the grant’s budget exceeding a certain percentage of the annual grant value;
    • priority given to projects that are at the beginning or in the middle of their terms, versus those that are close to their grant end date; and
    • non-eligibility of projects with considerable financial balances at the end of the fiscal year (March 31, 2020);
    • earmarking a certain percentage of its allocation for supporting researchers at a specific career stage (e.g., early career researchers);
    • setting a maximum amount or percentage of CRCEF contribution by project.

    Applicants will be provided with the opportunity to demonstrate need and provide additional context to explain their requests (e.g., where the research may be unfamiliar to adjudicators) and/or articulate equity related considerations.

    • Distribution of CRCEF funding– All funding from Stage 1 has been allocated. The Stage 4 application was submitted to CRCEF on November 30th, 2020.
  • Decision making, adjudication and evaluation processes for Canada Research Continuity Emergency Fund (CRCEF): Stage 3

    Ontario Tech University (University of Ontario Institute of Technology) utilized a needs-based approach, grounded in the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI), to determine the funding for Stage 3 of the Canada Research Continuity Emergency Fund (CRCEF).

    An open call for Stage 3 was first circulated to the entire research community on October 9, 2020.  It was disseminated through the following channels:

    • Email distribution;
    • Faculty Council and Research Board presentations;
    • Vice-President Research and Innovation Public Website.

    The funding call remained open until November 30th, 2020.  The process consisted of an expense application form, including an attestation and an EDI Self-ID survey component.

    In the event that the funding needs at Ontario Tech University exceed that of the funding received through the CRCEF Stage 3 program, the following section describes Ontario Tech’s decision making, adjudication and evaluation process.

    Decision Making, Adjudication and Evaluation Process

    • Governance structure – The university official responsible for the program requirements is Les Jacobs, Vice-President Research and Innovation (VPRI).  For the application administration, the institutional authority representative is designated to Jennifer Freeman, Executive Director, Office of Research Services 
    • Broad stakeholder consultation – The Office of the Vice-President Research and Innovation, consulted with the Deans and Faculty Associate Deans Research at Ontario Tech University to determine, within the constraints of the funding opportunity, the needs of the research community regarding support during the pandemic. In turn, the Deans consulted, as appropriate, with their faculty members (inclusive of those Faculty from equity seeking groups and members of Faculty conducting research in areas relevant to reconciliation or EDI).  Faculty members also provided direct feedback and comments to the Office of Research Services.  Where appropriate, the Research Board, Research Working Group, Faculty Councils and the Director of Equity, Diversity and Inclusive Engagement were consulted throughout the process. 
    • Open application process – The application process included an open funding call to all faculty members. The process included an application form, with an attestation component and Ontario Tech CRCEF Employment Equity Survey to support EDI considerations. 

    The application process was as follows:

     STEP 1: Identification of Eligible Expenses 

    • Principal Investigators (PIs) were asked to provide a list of eligible direct research expenses, paid between March 15, 2020 and November 15, 2020 no later than November 30th, 2020.  PIs were encouraged to consult with the Office of Research Services and Research and Trust Accounting, should they have any questions. 
    • The Expense Application Form consisted of the following information/requirements:
      • Eligibility criteria (and attestation thereof).
      • Date, amount, type, description, and classification (extraordinary and incremental) of actual expenses.
      • EDI considerations: Applicants completed the Ontario Tech CRCEF Employment Equity Survey.
      • A link to the CRCEF program webpage.

    STEP 2: Review and Application Preparation 

    • Expense review – Research and Trust Accounting reviewed all submitted expenses, through the application process, and determined eligibility against Stage 3 program criteria. Consultation on the eligibility of expenses was sought from the following individuals as required:
      • Research Working Group (Vice-President Research and Innovation; Provost; Vice-President Administration; Manager Research and Trust Accounting; Executive Director, Office of Research Services) in consultation with the Director of Equity, Diversity and Inclusive Engagement and the Dean of Graduate Studies.    
    • Review and adjudication process– In the event that the funding requests for Stage 3 are higher than that received, Ontario Tech University will convene the CRCEF Adjudication Committee comprised of the following individuals:
      • Research Working Group:
        • Vice-President Research and Innovation;
        • Provost;
        • VP Administration;
        • Executive Director, Office of Research Services;
        • Manager, Research and Trust Accounting;
      • Director, Equity, Diversity and Inclusive Engagement;
      • Dean of Graduate Studies.

    In addition, Subject Matter Experts will be invited, as required, to participate in the adjudication process to provide a broad research perspective in a range of fields, including, those with a focus on race, gender, disability, sexuality, LGBTQ2+ communities, human rights, reconciliation, community engaged research and indigenous ways of knowing.

    The CRCEF Adjudication Committee will follow SSHRC's Guidelines for the Merit Review of Indigenous Research.  In addition, where appropriate, the CRCEF Adjudication Committee will also follow the Ontario Tech Indigenization Consultation guidelines as established by the Indigenous Education and Cultural Services Office. All decision-makers will undergo training on bias awareness and reduction and, through Ontario Tech's Employer Partnership with the Canadian Center for Diversity and Inclusion (CCDI), the resources on Inclusive Leadership and Decision-making during COVID-19 will be reviewed by the CRCEF Adjudication Committee.

    The CRCEF Adjudication Committee will utilize the following assessment criteria and considerations.

    • Special considerations will be given to researchers known to be most impacted by COVID-19. Specifically, early-career researchers, researchers belonging to equity-seeking groups and researchers who were personally impacted by COVID-19 (e.g., their own or their immediate family’s health has been directly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, family obligations for dependent care or limited access to medical care for persons with disabilities) and/or have needs concerning child/family care.
    • Priority considerations will be based on EDI considerations to guide decision making beyond reviewing eligibility of expenditures;
    • The alignment with the assessment criteria identified below.

    The CRCEF Adjudication Committee may consider additional assessment criteria, which could include the following:

    • pro-rating requests according to funding allocation;
    • a minimum incremental cost for a project to be considered for the funding;
    • the financial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the grant’s budget exceeding a certain percentage of the annual grant value;
    • priority given to projects that are at the beginning or in the middle of their terms, versus those that are close to their grant end date; and
    • non-eligibility of projects with considerable financial balances at the end of the fiscal year (March 31, 2020);
    • earmarking a certain percentage of its allocation for supporting researchers at a specific career stage (e.g., early career researchers);
    • setting a maximum amount or percentage of CRCEF contribution by project.

    Applicants will be provided with the opportunity to demonstrate need and provide additional context to explain their requests (e.g., where the research may be unfamiliar to adjudicators) and/or articulate equity related considerations. 

  • Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Embedded Components

    Innovation begins with the person behind the good idea.  Canadians are a vibrant and diverse people, each of whom possesses unique talents, skills, experiences, and perspectives that inspire brilliant ideas.  True to the Canadian mosaic, Ontario Tech University fosters an inclusive culture where contributions from all members – including Indigenous Peoples, LGBTQ2+ Persons, Persons with Disabilities, Racialized Persons, and Women – are valued and are given the opportunity to flourish.  Ontario Tech is committed to cultivating a diverse and inclusive research community.  By refusing to leave talent on the sidelines, Ontario Tech inspires the profound discussions, exceptional creativity, and vanguard thinking that lead to more original, impactful and relevant research results. 

    Ontario Tech CRCEF Employment Equity Survey data was collected throughout the process.  A diverse group of individuals, including members of equity-seeking groups were included in the consultation and decision-making process, at various levels in the organization.  In addition, the Director, Equity, Diversity and Inclusive Engagement advised on EDI practices in the decision-making process. 

    • Review and adjudication – The CRCEF Adjudication Committee and associated consultation process includes a diverse group of individuals. 
      • The following measures have been put in place to ensure EDI considerations are included throughout the adjudication process, should funding received be less than what is required by the research community:
        • The CRCEF Adjudication Committee will be trained on bias awareness and reduction and, through Ontario Tech's Employer Partnership with CCDI, the resources on Inclusive Leadership and Decision-making during COVID-19 will also be reviewed.
        • Ontario Tech CRCEF Employment Equity Survey was developed and data has and will be gathered throughout the process;
        • Attestations will be kept on file confirming that decisions are not negatively affected by a researcher’s inability to work during the pandemic due to child/family care (e.g., their own or their immediate family’s health has been directly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, family obligations for dependent care or limited access to medical care for persons with disabilities) or increased risk related to exposure to COVID-19; and
        • Adjudication processes recognize and value research that is non-traditional or unconventional, based in Indigenous ways of knowing, outside the mainstream of the discipline, or focused on issues of gender, race or minority status. This will be achieved through measures including the following:
        • The CRCEF Adjudication Committee, will seek input from Subject Matter Experts with knowledge of research in a range of fields that focus on questions of gender, race, disability, sexuality (e.g., LGBTQ2+ communities), human rights, as well as community-engaged research; and
        • For Indigenous research, and research related to reconciliation, members will follow SSHRC’s Principles for the Merit Review of Indigenous Research, and will seek out additional expertise if required. Where appropriate, the CRCEF Adjudication Committee will also follow the Ontario Tech Indigenization Consultation guidelines as established by the Indigenous Education and Cultural Services Office.

    Ontario Tech is committed to raising awareness about the importance of EDI within the research enterprise. 

    For questions or concerns relating to EDI at the university, contact Sharifa Wright, Director, Equity, Diversity and Inclusive Engagement. 

    For questions or concerns relating to the CRCEF program overall, contact Jennifer Freeman, Executive Director, Research Services.